Tuesday, July 24, 2012

    6 Tips to Bring Down Your Internet Bill

    Ever been handed a huge bill for data usage on your phone or broadband connection? Most connections impose a data limit and its up to you to track and control usage.
    Here are six simple tips to limit your data usage and avoid your internet bill from shooting up.
    Video chatting
    Video chatting (in 3G, such as with apps like Skype or Fring) are big data hogs. About 30 mins of usage will consume about 100 to 300 MB of your monthly data limit.
    Connect to Wi-Fi to use these services and cut data costs.
    Streaming video
    Streaming video from YouTube and similar sites can consume upto 200 MB per hour.
    Switch settings
    On many mobile devices you can temporarily switch off data services when not in use - or switch to 2G/EDGE instead of 3G. This way, apps that are constantly using data in the background (like weather and email) will be forced to use less data.
    Wi-Fi tethering
    Wi-Fi tethering or sharing your 3G connection with other nearby devices can use more data than you realise.
    Online gaming
    Are you gaming online? Online gaming, especially with high-end 3D games can consume up to 100MB per hour. If you stream a lot of videos, switching to a lower quality can reduce your data usage by over 50%.
    Keep a check on your usage using any of the free PC/Mac tools
    Malicious software
    Malicious software on your computer could be silently using up your monthly data limit. If your bills are not in line with your usage, get your computer checked for viruses & trojans.

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