Saturday, September 21, 2013

    Google Gets A New Flat Logo Without Any Shadows

    World’s largest web browser Google has made changes in the appearance of its logo and the search page window. This revamp creates a more flattened and reshaped logo and there will be a smaller range of links on the right hand top corner instead of menu bar in the previous version. Recently Yahoo and Microsoft Bing has made similar changes to their logos. Google announces that they are slowly rolled out this change across the products. The present logo of Google has been developed in 2010 and now is the first change to it happened.

    The new logo is much flatter in appearance and throws away the embossment and shadows. The distinctive colours remain but the shades are slightly different. The Catull fonts are retained with the new logo and there could be some changes in the letter shapes but that doesn’t seem apparent. In the official Google Blog Eddie Kessler, tech lead/manager at Google, said that Google has "refined the colour palette and letter shapes of the Google logo." The new Google logo will be rolled out across different Google products over the next few weeks.

    Several experts commented that with this change Google is trying to streamline user experience of its services to prevent distractions. 

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