Saturday, September 21, 2013

    Polyglot 3000 Text Translator for Any Language

    We can use various online translators to translate texts from one language to another. Usually we don’t need to know in which language the texts are written. We just paste the desired text to the editor and choose the language to which it should be translated. There are several online translator services are available which will detect the text languages automatically. In some situations the programs may fail to detect the language in which the texts were written. In such cases Polyglot 3000 will be a good alternative for your favorite translator.

    You can paste the text which is to be translated to the area in Polyglot 3000 or you can type it manually or even you can upload it as a plain text file. After selecting the “Recognize language” option the program will let you know the language in which it was written and it will give you a Recognition Accuracy estimate to know to what extend the analysis is accurate. Currently Polyglot 3000 supports 474 languages worldwide.

    In all the testing environments it performed much accurately even if we inputs large amount of texts it manages to give correct results and in time. If you give some phrases which could be used similar in several languages, then Polyglot 3000 may finds bit difficult to respond. It will reflects in the Recognition Accuracy results also.

    The Polyglot 3000gives a filtering option to give better possibilities to identify a language. If you select Recognition – Prominent Languages then the considered languages will be 119 rather than 474 and this will increase the chances of a correct identification

    Polyglot 3000 Key Features
    • Recognizes more than 400 languages (see list below).
    • Supports Unicode texts.
    • Convenient user interface.
    • True-Coloured icons in menu and toolbar.
    • Quick and correct language identification.
    • Can be set to only check for popular languages.
    • Multilingual interface (English, German, French, Spanish and others).
    To view and download Polyglot 3000 please follow the link

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