Sunday, December 29, 2013

    Microsoft Presents Nostalgic Card Games to Windows Phones

    Those who started to use computers for a couple of decades back may still have the nostalgic memories of the old card games which were a good attraction of the Windows desktops. Solitaire and Freecell were some of the popular games on those conventional Windows PC’s. With the technology improved, advanced high definition games have occupied the place of those classic Windows games. Now we could not see these games even in the new version of Windows OS and in Android mobile platform also a large variety of advanced games are ready to download at the Android market.

    As a New Year gift Microsoft has connected some of the popular games software from the early versions of Windows desktops to the latest versions of Windows Phones. These include the classic Windows games like Microsoft Solitaire, Minesweeper and Mahjong. These are now ready to download to the Windows Phone 8 and they are enhanced for Xbox leaderbaords, achievements and start tracking and also having the ability to pause and resume games across Windows PCs, phones and tablets. Those who having the nostalgia to these old classic games can simply follow the links Solitaire Collection, Minesweper and Mahjong and start download them and give a try to go back to those good old memories.

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